Costa Rica. The magazine ACR Latinoamérica, organizer of Refriaméricas, and its parent company, Latin Press, Inc. stands in solidarity with the global health situation and announces that it is taking measures as a responsible company in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented fact in history.
Currently, the organization of Refriaméricas, aware of executive decree 4227 of the government of Costa Rica and the constant communiqués issued by the Ministry of Health of that country, is analyzing the viability of the initial dates, July 22 & 23.
Facilitating the meeting and gathering of the community of professionals and companies in the HVACR industry is part of our mission, so we believe it is our responsibility to contribute to curbing the spread of COVID-19 and putting the health of our exhibitors, participants, allies and the community in general above any other interest.
We are analyzing the current situation with clients and officials of the Costa Rica Convention Center, to make the best decision. In the coming days we will be updating this information.
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