Thinking about the different industries that require HVAC systems and quiet environments at the same time, DuctSox has developed the dBSilencer sound attenuator, designed for textile duct systems.
The dBSilencer silences air handling units (AHUs), operational air volume variability (VAV) box and airflow noise in the octave bands from 500 to 2,000-Hz by 28 to 35-dB in offices, bookstores, museums, classrooms and other sound-sensitive areas.
It is available in sizes from 12 to 36 inches-diameter in 2-inch increments and standard colors. It is wider than the accompanying ducts, to accommodate a wall (four inches thick) covered in rock wool for sound absorption by an interior wall of specialized fabric.
The dBSilencer also offers an optional version called a bullet center, which offers almost twice the attenuation, ideal for larger mechanical equipment.