Derived from various provisions established in the National Development Plan 2007-2012, in the Law for the Use of Renewable Energies and the Financing of the Energy Transition, its Regulations, as well as in the Special Climate Change Program 2008-2012; now you can install in your home or business, your own renewable energy source or cogeneration system on a small or medium scale and make an interconnection contract with CFE.
By doing so, in addition to saving on your expenditure on energy consumption, you will contribute to the use of clean technologies for the generation of electricity, in the use of renewable energy sources and therefore, in the conservation of the environment.
The requirements to make a small-scale interconnection contract with CFE are that you have a normal low voltage supply contract, that the facilities comply with the Official Mexican Standards and with the CFE specifications, and that the power of your source is not greater than 10 kW if you installed it in your home or 30 kW if you installed it in your business.
To make a medium-scale interconnection contract, the requirements are that you have a normal medium voltage supply contract, that the facilities comply with the Official Mexican Standards and with the CFE specifications, and that the power of your source is not greater than 500 kW.
The duration of the contract is indefinite and can be terminated whenever you wish, notifying CFE 30 days before.
Currently, the CFE records your electricity consumption with meters that only integrate the energy you receive from our network. When establishing an interconnection contract, CFE will change the meter, installing one that will allow you to record both the electrical energy that enters your service, and the electrical energy that leaves.
From that moment, CFE will invoice you in your normal supply contract, the difference between both records, and three cases may occur:
a) If the difference is greater than zero, it means that you consumed more energy than you delivered, so you will be billed for that difference.
b) If the difference is equal to zero, it means that you consumed the same amount of energy as the one you delivered, so you will be billed the minimum established in the rate at which you have your normal supply contract.
c) If the difference is less than zero, then it means that you delivered more energy than you consumed, so we will proceed to:
a. bill you the minimum established in the rate at which you have your normal supply contract and
b. CFE will virtually save the energy that was left in your favor, to automatically return it to you in the following billings in which differences greater than zero are presented.
The steps to follow to perform the interconnection contract are the following:
1. Go to the nearest CFE commercial agency, using the following format:
sustainability/renewable energy/Documents/application%20for%20la%20connection.pdf">Format to request interconnection with CFE
The person who must carry out the procedure must be the holder of the normal supply contract, if he is a natural person, or the legal representative, if he is a legal person. In both cases, official identification is required. In the case of a legal entity, the representative must also present the documentation that proves the constitution of the company and the empowerment of the same towards the person who carries out the procedure.
2. You will receive a request number, with which you can follow up on it.
3. Cfe technical area personnel will come to your home to check that the energy source or cogeneration system meets the corresponding technical requirements. It will inform you of the results of the review, and where appropriate, of the works that need to be built or modified to carry out the interconnection, which will be borne by the applicant.
4. Once it has been technically approved, the person carrying out the procedure will go again to the nearest CFE commercial agency to sign their interconnection contract and pay the amount corresponding to the difference in costs of the meters.
5. CFE technical staff will come to your home to change the meter.
6. From that moment on, you will already have an interconnection contract with CFE.
Authors: Val