The Cadiz company Ensolars and Mitsubishi Electric Photovoltaic Systems have signed a contract by which the former becomes the official distributor in the province of Cádiz of the new range of photovoltaic panels and inverters that the Japanese company has launched on the market.
From the direction of Ensolars they have highlighted to Europa Press that these photovoltaic systems have "the most advanced technology", which is based on "the experience of Mitsubishi in the supply of electricity in satellites, in power plants and in semiconductors".
He points out that these are photovoltaic modules that offer "unparalleled performance, capacity and reliability", having been specially designed for self-sufficiency in isolated homes, such as villas, rural homes without access to distribution networks, etc.
Ensolars is a recently created company from Cadiz that establishes itself as a renewable energy consultancy in general and that, in addition, makes a "strong commitment" to training. In this sense, it has already prepared for the Vértice publishing house a manual that is used in official courses for professional training for assembly and maintenance of wind installations, adapted to the particularities that from January of this year required the Royal Decree 1967/2008 of November 28 that regulates the National Repertoire of Certificates of Professionalism.
As it already does with Mitsubishi Electric Photovoltaic, it is also dedicated to the distribution of components, that is, to the sale of equipment related to solar and mini-wind energy; makes energy audits and advises businesses and individuals to achieve savings in the electricity tariff.
In this sense, they emphasize that it is possible to "save at least 25 percent on the bill, although in some cases it can be exceeded up to 60 percent." All this "correcting defects" in the facilities and providing new technologies, automation, among other issues.
In addition, the promoters of Ensolars stand out for their "extensive experience in the foreign market", counting, therefore, with a network of collaborators in countries "as strategic" as China, Mexico, Poland or Germany, among others.
Thus, one of its lines of business consists of "helping national companies to establish themselves in these countries", as well as "looking for investors" to carry out installations, both national and in third countries. (EUROPA PRESS)
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