The general coordinator of izquierda Unida de Aragón, Adolfo Barrena, has proposed this Wednesday to promote renewable energies and renounce nuclear, on the occasion of the Day of the Sun.
In a note, Barrena has affirmed that "it is not acceptable" that the Government of Spain "is not able to give more prominence to renewable energies in the Spanish electricity mix and is maintaining the strong energy dependence on fossil fuels, while losing the opportunity to develop the Spanish energy sector supported by its own non-polluting sources such as renewables".
"There is the paradox," said Barrena, "that countries with fewer hours of sunlight than Spain have more developed solar energy sector and, therefore, in addition to developing their own energy sector, are taking advantage of the possibilities of local job creation that the renewable sector supposes."
Izquierda Unida has proposed to elaborate a state plan with the participation of local administrations, which promotes small photovoltaic and mini wind installations, ensuring adequate remuneration and minimizing administrative procedures, which prioritizes self-consumption supported by renewable emergency facilities.
"It is also necessary a commitment of the public administrations to force the installation of panels for the use of solar energy on roofs, spaces and public places," he said.
To this he added that "this policy, in addition to generating significant savings in the electricity bill supported by public administrations, would help the development of the sector, promote the development of local companies, be an alternative to energy lobbies, allow social tariffs and would be decisive in the fight against global warming of the planet".
"It is time to seriously address the Spanish energy model, plan our energy mix and commit to the commitment to produce, by 2020, 70 percent of electricity with renewables," he concluded. (EUROPA PRESS)
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