LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. The Green Building Council of the United States (USGBC), created LEED as a rating system for sustainable building.
Green building refers to the design, construction, and operation of buildings in an environmentally friendly manner. LEED promotes a sustainable approach to the entire building by recognizing performance in five key areas of human health and the environment: sustainable development, water saving, energy efficiency, material selection, and indoor environmental quality. The classification system is specific to the type of project being worked on. Some of the specific programs of LEED construction, LEED-existing buildings, LEED-commercial Interiors, LEED-Core and Shell, LEED Houses, LEED-Neighborhood Development, LEED-Schools. The classification systems are divided into points for each type of construction. The certification levels within the systems are:
Minimum points: Certificate
Second highest points: Silver
Third highest points: Gold
Fourth, the maximum points: Platinum
LEED certification can be achieved in both new construction as well as renovations.
Authors: Val