Martifer Solar is a company specialized in offering all kinds of photovoltaic solar solutions adapted to the needs of each client.
In a simpler way, they transform solar radiation into electricity, delivering to the customer a final investment product, with guarantees of future and profitability.
The integral development of these projects involves the engineering service, the own production of modules and assembly of solar trackers, the complete installation, the maintenance and the study of the financing (if necessary).
Its work in the field of photovoltaic solar energy not only integrates products and services, they provide added value to their customers so that they trust their investment with total security: high technology, great technical qualification, experience and internationalization, in addition to the financial support of a large business group: the Martifer Group.
Martifer Solar is a company committed to the environment and its workers. Their job is to make the energy from the sun profitable, to satisfy an increasing demand of society: to produce energy that does not harm health, that does not destroy nature and that takes care of the air we all breathe. That is why research and development is one of their cornerstones, they invest in the future.
But they also know how to invest in the present and that is why the safety, promotion and training of their workers is essential for them, in the end a company becomes great for its workforce. Always looking for the final satisfaction of the client, they adapt to their needs and grow all over the world acquiring experience. One of the European companies of reference in the photovoltaic solar industry.
• Innovation: they surprise and add value in the business areas where they operate.
• Delivery: they give themselves totally to the work they develop.
• Honesty: all the relationships they establish are marked by ethical and integral principles.
• Excellence: they set ambitious goals and use all their competence to achieve them.
• Trust: they tirelessly seek to exceed the expectations of their stakeholders.
• Social Responsibility: they follow a logic of sustainable development in the economic, social and environmental aspects.
• Talent: promote the development of knowledge and skills of their professionals.
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