The central government stresses that the new natural gas and electricity interconnections between the Balearic Islands and the Peninsula will promote the development of renewable energies in the archipelago. The new submarine cable for the electricity supply, says the Government, will benefit the Balearic Islands since sudden changes in photovoltaic or solar thermal production can be supported by the rest of the peninsular system.
On the other hand, the natural gas connection will eventually allow the replacement of fuel oil plants by natural gas combined cycles, facilities that emit less CO2 and, due to their greater flexibility of operation, will leave "more space" to introduce renewables.
This is evidenced by the Executive in a response to a parliamentary question asked by the senator for Menorca of the Mixed Group, Arturo Bagur, who requested an assessment on whether the cut in premiums to the photovoltaic sector can harm the facilities of the island.
Regarding this issue, the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade points out that the promotion of renewables is "one of the priorities" of the Government in energy matters and that the measures for island systems have been "especially ambitious".
In this sense, the Government refers to the case of the Canary Islands and points out that the interconnection infrastructures carried out in the Balearic Islands are not possible in the Canary Islands. However, he cites the progress that projects such as '100% renewable iron' have meant that promote a more sustainable energy mix in that community.
Regarding the new regulation of photovoltaic premiums, the Government stresses that it is "temporary, reasonable and proportionate", as well as necessary to guarantee the future of the electricity system and a reasonable allocation of public resources. (EUROPA PRESS)
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