Abantia and Comsa Emte have started the construction of a 22.5 MW thermoelectric solar plant in Les Borges Blanques (Lleida) that will come into operation in January 2013 and will become the first global facility to combine thermoelectric solar technology with a biomass unit.
The installation, which represents an investment of 153 million euros, will generate an annual electricity capacity of 98,000 MWh, equivalent to the average consumption of more than 27,000 homes, as reported by the companies in a statement.
The plant has a hybridization system that allows a greater use of the installation, since the capture of solar rays during the hours of sunshine is complemented during the night with the operation of biomass, whose main fuel will be forest biomass, energy cultivation and agricultural waste.
The works of what will be the first solar thermal plant in Catalonia will be completed at the end of 2012, to later start the operation for a period of 25 years, in which 30 direct jobs and 150 indirect jobs will be created.
The production of this type of clean energy will also mean a saving of 24,500 tons of CO2 dioxide per year.
Abantia and Comsa Emte have experience in this field of promotion and construction of power generation facilities under a special and renewable regime, in the fields of slurry treatment with associated cogeneration, biogas, photovoltaic energy and wind energy. (EUROPA PRESS)
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