Iberdrola Renovables has launched, through its subsidiary Rokas, the Arachnaio II wind farm in Greece, a 38 megawatt (MW) power facility that aims to strengthen the company's position in the Hellenic country.
The energy company has a capacity of 255.3 MW distributed among 17 wind farms spread throughout the Greek territory and thus covers 20% of the market of the European country.
The Arachnaio II wind farm is located on the Peloponnese peninsula and has 19 Gamesa wind turbines. In addition, its annual production is equivalent to the electricity consumption of more than 20,000 homes and avoids the emission of 77,220 tons of CO2.
On the other hand, Iberdrola Renovables will allocate about 20,000 euros per year to the Greek Green Fund, with which it is expected that works aimed at improving the environment in the country will be financed. (EUROPA PRESS)
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