Representatives of Atos Origin, multinational owner of Mundivía, announced on Wednesday to the Vice President of Cantabria, Dolores Gorostiaga, their intention to install in the region, immediately, the headquarters of the Spanish division of Atos Worldgrid, an ambitious project of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) that will provide solutions to the energy market.
Atos Origin, a multinational of French origin based in Paris and 50,000 employees in more than 40 countries, has chosen Cantabria to install the headquarters in Spain of its subsidiary Atos Worldgrid, which together with those of Grenoble and China, will develop advanced solutions of new ICT for the energy field.
The multinational has opted for Cantabria due to the specialization of the region in the development of marine renewable energies and the previous participation of the Cantabrian Government, through SODERCAN, in the shareholding of its subsidiary Mundivía.
Likewise, a determining factor has been the knowledge and experience of Mundivía technicians in Cantabria in providing energy solutions to the main companies in the sector at a national level.
Precisely, about 100 Mundivía workers will join the new company, Atos Worldgrid, which will have its headquarters and fiscal domicile in the Renewable Energy Tower of the Cantabria Science and Technology Park (PCTCAN).
Dolores Gorostiaga stressed that the commitment of this "giant" of technological consulting "comes to reaffirm the success in the regional strategy of betting on the development of new technologies and renewable energies", which in this case are combined in the new project.
The vice president stressed that the decision Atos Wordgrid, added to the recent announcement of EON Spain to settle in the PCTCAN, "reinforces the technological specialization of the Park and opens the doors to the implementation of other multinationals in the sector".
"The government is fulfilling its obligation to promote and, if necessary, lead developments in innovation, which guarantee us a better future," said Gorostiaga.
In this sense, he stressed that "companies are valuing and responding to this important effort", making the region "an important focus of attraction".
The Atos Origin Group has recently acquired Siemens' information technology division, Siemens IT Solutions, for €850 million, creating a European giant in the ICT sector.
Siemens will keep 15 percent of the company, which will generate a turnover of 8.7 billion euros, and employ 78,500 people.
Precisely, the Siemens Group is one of the companies with which the Government of Cantabria has a collaboration agreement in the field of marine energies. (EUROPA PRESS)
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