Iberdrola Renovables produced 34 percent of Spain's total wind energy in Castilla-La Mancha, the company said in a statement.
In this way, it produced 3.94 million MWh in Castilla-La Mancha during 2010, 1.2% more than in the same period of 2009. Of this production, wind energy accounted for 93.2%, mini-hydraulic plants generated 5.3%, while the Puertollano solar thermal power plant and the Corduente biomass plant, Guadalajara contributed 1.5%.
Castilla-La Mancha is the Autonomous Community where Iberdrola Renovables has the most installed capacity in Spain. In total it has 1,981 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy installed, of which 1,835 MW correspond to wind energy. These wind installations produced, during the past year, 34% of the total wind energy generated by the company in Spain.
Iberdrola Renovables is currently working on the implementation of research and development projects and studies aimed at improving the efficiency of current clean technologies. Among these is the Direct Steam Generation (GDV) project that is being developed in Puertollano.
This initiative includes the construction of a pilot plant, with 3 MW of power and involving an investment of 21 million euros. Thanks to this project, which aims to improve the current solar thermal technology, by replacing the oil now used with water, a reduction in costs and a better performance of the installation will be achieved.
The company also carries out the Lignocrop initiative in the region, a pioneering project in the field of energy crop management funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. The main objectives of the plant are, on the one hand, to secure fuel for the Corduente biomass plant in Guadalajara and, on the other, to achieve the recovery of abandoned land and promote rural employment.
Iberdrola Renovables ratifies its commitment to Castilla-La Mancha, where it began its activity more than ten years ago. In this time, the company has invested around 2,400 million euros and has created more than 350 jobs, many of them in rural areas, and has contracted products and services to a multitude of local companies.
In addition, it is in this Autonomous Community, specifically in Toledo, where in 2003 Iberdrola Renovables installed its Renewable Energy Operation Center (CORE), a pioneer center in the control and maintenance of renewable facilities. From this center, all the company's facilities in the world are controlled in real time, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. (EUROPA PRESS)
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