A total of nine Andalusian companies in the renewable energy sector have participated on February 23 and 24 in Tangier in the first training days on the sector in the Moroccan country organized by the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science, through the Andalusian Agency for Promotion Abroad (Extenda), with the support of the European Project for Cross-Border Cooperation in the Business Field 'Cooptremp'.
In a note, Extenda indicates that the Cooptremp project, co-financed by Feder, has as its mission to promote existing cross-border cooperation in the business field between Andalusia and northern Morocco. In particular, exchanges, cross-border business cooperation and the development of mixed business initiatives are promoted, thus contributing to a balanced socio-economic development of the Strait area.
The objective of this 'I Training Day of the Renewable Energy Sector' has been to make known to the Andalusian entrepreneur of the renewable energy sector (wind, thermal, photovoltaic, thermoelectric, biomass) the current situation of his sector in Morocco, as well as the future prospects and business opportunities detected in it. In addition, all practical and specialized information has been offered that facilitates the design and branding of any business project that may arise in the neighboring country.
Extenda intends that these days become an important instrument of support for the Andalusian business community to develop business projects of cross-border cooperation with the North of Morocco. Likewise, the attending companies are Ingeniería y asesoría técnico almeriense S.L. (Almería); Servicios Integrales Navin (Cádiz); Magtel (Cordoba); Degra Servicios Auxiliares y Lench Solar S.L (Granada) and Electria, Inerco, Pryesa Ingenieros S.L. and G&C Faroles Solares (Seville).
This seminar, which lasted twelve teaching hours, specifically dealt with the description and analysis of renewable energies in Morocco and the future prospects of the sector; the introduction to business practice in Morocco.
Also, practical tips have been discussed for the materialization of business cooperation projects between Andalusian and Moroccan organizations in the sector, since Andalusian firms told their experience in the Moroccan market, and finally the business opportunities and potential of the sector in Morocco were exposed and identified. Within the planned program, meetings were held between the Andalusian and Moroccan firms, and finally a relevant energy park in the north of the country was visited.
According to Extenda's reports, the Moroccan market is one of the main targets for the Andalusian offer in general. Currently, its annual economic growth rate stands at five percent and forecasts indicate that it will continue to experience similar increases in 2010 and 2011. "On the other hand, it has a strong policy of openness to the outside whose bases were reflected in an association agreement with the European Union, in addition to different free trade agreements with the United States, the Arab countries and Turkey," he adds.
In addition, 3,503 Andalusian companies exported products or services to Morocco in 2010. Andalusia closed 2010 as the second autonomous community that sold the most to Morocco, with 16.8 percent of the national total. Andalusia exported to the country worth 582 million euros, making Morocco as well as the tenth destination market for world sales in the Community, with an increase compared to 2009 of 12.1 percent.
Situation of renewables in Andalusia
The growth of renewables has been "uniform and well structured", since the installed electricity capacity from these energy sources has increased at an average rate of 50 percent per year during the last years, exceeding in many cases the figures foreseen by the Andalusian Plan for Sustainability and Renewable Energies (Pasener).
Andalusia registers the most important level of solar radiation in Europe (average of 1,500 kWh/m), which makes it a region with enormous potential for solar resources and the capacity to become a world leader in solar thermal energy. At the end of 2009, the installed capacity in Andalusia reached 3,822 mW.
For 2010, the forecasts that are handled increase that figure to more than 6,000 mW. "If the progressive growth is maintained according to forecasts, in 2013, the year of completion of the Pasener, Andalusia should far exceed 8,000 mW of installed power," he says. (EUROPA PRESS)
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