The Tekniker-IK4 technology centre has signed an agreement with the European Spallation Source of NEUTRONs ESS, based in Lund (Sweden), to participate in its design.
Tekniker-IK4 will lead in the next two years part of the design update of this European scientific facility worth more than 4 million euros.
The signing ceremony of the agreement held this past Thursday in Bilbao was attended by the general director of Tekniker-IK4, Alejandro Bengoa, and the general director of ESS, Colin Carlile.
Under the agreement, the Basque technology centre leads at European level during this year and the next the work package that consists of updating the design of the accelerator and the underlying systems necessary for its correct operation, a critical element of the installation.
In this way, Tekniker-IK4 is integrated into the defining core of the largest European scientific facility, at the head of a team that has the collaboration of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) of Switzerland, the French National Institute of Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics (IN2P3), the German research center for the structure of matter (DESY), the North American SNS and leading companies in facilities such as Air Liquide, Linde, etc.
The work of the Basque technology center focuses on updating a wide range of technological solutions that includes, among others, the linear accelerator electrical system, the high vacuum generation, maintenance and control system in the beam cavity and the development of the cryogenic plant that supplies liquid helium to the accelerator cavities.
At the technological level, one of the main challenges of the Basque centre is to improve the efficiency of this type of facility to reduce energy consumption, associated costs and the ecological footprint of the installation. In fact, Tekniker-IK4 will coordinate ESS's commitment to renewable energy sources, and will try to maximize the consumption of energy covered by renewable sources. (EUROPA PRESS)
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