More than a hundred people, most of them union representatives, students and university professors, members of neighborhood associations and other cultural and environmental associations, attended this Wednesday the Conference on Energy Sustainability that was held in the auditorium of the Higher Technical School of Nautical in Santander.
The day, which was also attended by the Minister of the Environment, Francisco Martín, was held on the basis of the organization of three round tables that have animated the debate and the participation of the public.
The activity, organized by the company Energya, with the collaboration of the Ministry of the Environment, has been divided into two parts. The first consisted of three round tables with the participation of representatives of universities and trade union, business and non-governmental organizations.
The round tables have been aimed at energy saving and efficiency, renewable energies and the approach formulated with the question 'Fossil or renewable energies?'. At the end of each round table, the moderator provided a summary highlighting the overlapping aspects and the main discrepancies.
The second part consisted of a round table in which the previous participants participated, but debating issues raised by the audience. The round table on energy saving and efficiency was moderated by the electrical engineer of Energya, Luis Ignacio Eguiluz, and Roberto García (CEOE), Jesús Torre Ruiz (UGT) and Bernardo García (Ecologists in Action) participated.
In the table on renewable energies, moderated by the professor of Thermal Engines of the University of Cantabria (UC), Delfín Silió, José Ramón Gañán (CEOE), Lucía Cicero (CCOO), Fernando Crespo (Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Cantabria) and the director of GENERCAN, Raúl Pelayo, have intervened.
The third table that has raised the dilemma on fossil or renewable energies, has been moderated by the professor of Chemical Engineering of the UC, Ángel Irabien. Finally, the table where the public has participated has been moderated by the professor of Electromagnetism of the UC, Andrés Prieto. (EUROPA PRESS)
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