The coordinator of the electoral program of the popular Valencians for the elections and Minister of Solidarity and Citizenship, Rafael Blasco, has committed this Friday to redouble the commitment to the environment and in this way 45 percent of the energy generation in the Community will come from renewable energies.
In this way, he stressed that renewable energies will have a specific chapter in the electoral program of the regional elections next May "as a sign of our commitment to improving the environment and energy efficiency".
To achieve this goal, he has announced that the popular will elaborate a new Action Plan of Renewable Energies, which will be the continuity of the policies currently implemented. In fact, he recalled that a few months ago the Ministry of Infrastructure launched a program in which it provides up to 500 euros for the acquisition of high energy efficiency boilers to reduce CO2 emissions.
In this regard, he explained that with the program launched by Infrastructures, around 1,500 boilers will be renewed throughout the Community, which will avoid the emission of 4,000 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere per year.
"Our goal is to continue with these types of effective, sustainable and environmentally responsible policies. Therefore, the electoral program of the PPCV will be ecological and respectful of everything that surrounds us, "concluded Rafael Blasco.
The electoral proposals are available to citizens to be valued both in the campaign blog and in the electoral program, which can be accessed through the website (EUROPA PRESS)
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