The international marine conservation organization Oceana has congratulated the Government of Cantabria for the "determined support and impulse" that this autonomous community is giving to the development of marine energies and especially offshore wind.
In this way, the organization recognizes the different actions that are being carried out, highlighting the research effort given to floating devices, and ranging from the installation of masts and meteorological buoys to the creation of the Cluster of Renewable Marine Energies of Cantabria.
In a statement, Oceana considers that the energy produced in our seas and oceans plays a "fundamental role", both for the achievement of the objectives set by the European Union and to combat the effects produced by climate change on our planet and in particular on our oceans.
"The need to reduce emissions of CO2 from humans into the atmosphere needs the definitive transition from an economy based on polluting energies to an economy based on clean energies such as renewable energies," he stressed.
"We need a decisive boost in Spain to both offshore energy sources and offshore wind with the main objective of promoting a model of energy consumption and generation compatible with the fight against climate change," said Xavier Pastor, executive director of Oceana in Europe.
"The empowerment in research, technological development and innovation is crucial for the development of these technologies in our country," he added.
Oceana celebrates that Cantabria "has understood" the importance of the offshore wind sector as a source of clean energy of "enormous potential", promoter of a new energy model based on renewable sources, and as one of the "key" factors in climate change mitigation policies.
According to the organization, the greater participation of renewable energies in the global energy mix is the "only way" to reduce CO2 emissions by 80-95% by 2050, thus avoiding the preponderance of sources based on the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, generator of "serious accidents" such as that produced in the Gulf of Mexico or the continuous spills that are recently occurring on the platforms of Tarragona.
According to the Oceana spokesperson, "Offshore wind energy is a technology with enormous potential and therefore with an important long-term development. The initiatives carried out both in Cantabria and Asturias, with the realization of the SeAsturLab marine laboratory, or in Catalonia with the Zèfir project, is what we need to definitively promote the development of this technology not only in Spain, but throughout Southern Europe". (EUROPA PRESS)
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