Currently, savings between 10 and 30% are being achieved in the electricity consumption of cold machines, which implies considerable savings for companies.
We must also highlight the high value of the product at an ecological level, since by reducing the number of fictitious starts of the machines, the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere is also considerably reduced.
This product is approved by NSF International, Public Health and Safety Company tm, a world leader in the development of standards, risk management for health and public safety, designated as a collaborating center by the World Health Organization (WHO) for Food and Safety in Water and the Environment. The Ecube complies with protocol P235, being a product considered suitable according to the European standards EN 12830 and EN 13485.
If you want to expand this information, do not hesitate to contact us or visit their page:
Sincerely Francisco Santos Director Northwest Delegation 607 610 516"