International. The Green Business Certification Incorporated (GBCI) announced on October 4, within the framework of Greenbuild, International Conference and Expo, the new ARC platform, which was born as a tool that will take the efficiency of the sustainability and construction industry to another level by integrating it as a whole.
The ARC platform will allow the participation of any real estate development and will immediately begin to measure its performance, by incorporating improvements and contrasting its efficiency against itself. Arc's goal is to support USGBC and GBCI management.
Buildings that have achieved LEED certification at any of the levels may use ARC to have a comparison of their efficiency compared to other LEED buildings. Projects that do not yet have a certification will be able to use this platform to establish their sustainability goals and strategies and eventually achieve a LEED Certification.
ARC is a complement to LEED and other certification systems in sustainability, standards, protocols and guidelines and enables the transformation of technologies, the sharing of information to achieve the comparison of yields and improve the quality of spaces. It is an open platform created to integrate current and future certification systems that are in continuous improvement always in search of the well-being and quality of life of users.
Source: Colombian Council of Sustainable Construction.