ZNE homes are also increasingly accepted as builders are making a greater effort to offer improved efficiency options and satisfy energy-conscious consumers. According to a new report from the research firm, homes with total net-zero energy in North America are expected to grow from 750 in 2015 to nearly 27,000 in 2025.
"This topic is still quite rare; However, the market is poised for growth over the next decade, particularly in California, where a strong regulatory framework requires all new homes to have zero energy by 2020," said Neil Strother, principal research analyst at Navigant Research. In addition, the market is expected to gain momentum as builders incorporate the latest technologies to meet rising energy efficiency standards, and to satisfy consumers looking to significantly reduce or eliminate their monthly energy bills and reduce their impact on the environment."
As California leads the push toward ZNE around the world, according to the report, other U.S. states and other countries in certain regions are starting to follow suit. Outside of North America, the market is gaining momentum in Asia Pacific and In Europe, where a 2010 European Union directive calls for all new buildings to be nearly ZNE by the end of 2020.