International. According to a BSRIA study, the traditional Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) market has continued to grow steadily for many years, especially in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
However, the analysis says that new technologies, innovations and innovative business models are already disrupting the traditional BACS business. The results show that the BACS market continues to be led by a few dominant global players, while others are strong in some regions, or in niche segments. However, the business of all of these could be significantly affected by tech giants such as Google, Apple and Microsoft, which are already players in the market.
BSRIA's Energy and Smart Technologies Manager Jeremy Towler said: "A new market, smart, connected and LED lighting is starting to emerge with which you will see a shift in the balance of 'power' within the building, moving from a building of focused controls to a focused form of building automation lighting. The new generation of lighting controls will offer greater support for mobile access and personalized control solutions that will drive the building to respond to the individual."
Traditionally, BACS have been applied mainly in larger, more prestigious buildings, and the mid-scale market has represented a missed opportunity. Now, several vendors are offering scalable solutions that are typically based around docking networks and offer easy scalability.