China. Only one HFC is included in a preliminary list of refrigerants recommended by the Chinese government for the replacement of HCFCs.
The list of twelve gases, produced by China's Foreign Economic Cooperation Bureau, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, comes in response to China's obligations under the Montreal Protocol, designed to raise public awareness and promote alternative technologies in the output phase of R22 and expansion foam and solvents R141b and R142b.
R32, considered suitable for use in unit air conditioners, heat pumps and condensing units, is the only HFC refrigerant on the list. The other alternatives on the list are the "natural" ones – propane, isobutane, CO2 and ammonia for a range of applications, from air-conditioned rooms to industrial cold.
The guide, which was conducted in collaboration with the China Refrigeration Association (CAR), identifies market trends, business opportunities, policy drivers, and describes suitable applications for natural refrigerants in that country's cooling, heating and cooling sectors.