Brazil. Facilities that adapt to the concepts of the National Program for Energy Efficiency in Buildings (Procel Edifica) could save 50% of energy in the country in new buildings and 30% in those that make adaptations, according to a study by the National Program for the Reduction of Energy Consumption of Brazil (Procel).
On average, Brazilians consumed 4% more energy in 2011 than in 2010. According to the Southern Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilation (Asbrav), the improvement in the economy, which results in a rise of the less favored classes, which have greater power and consequently more energy consumption.
In addition to the production and maintenance of buildings, according to Asbrav, 50% of the energy consumed in Brazil is due to the implementation of equipment that offers environmental comfort, such as air conditioning systems, water heaters and lighting.
The other half of consumption is allocated to other systems such as lighting, industrial and food production.