Colombia. In addition to entrepreneurs in the sector, customers, suppliers and friends of the company, ACR LATINOAMÉRICA was present in the city of Cali during the official delivery, by Icontec, of the ISO 9001 Quality Certificate version 2008 to Grivan Ingeniería S.A.
The event, enlivened by live music, also served for the company to give a special recognition to three of its employees for the 10 years at the service of the company, and for attendees to know the latest installation of Grivan in the kitchen and in the food and food area of Club Colombia, place of the ceremony.
During his speech, the founder and commercial manager of the company, Fernando Grisales, expressed great satisfaction with the duty fulfilled and thanked the attendees for their constant support. "I feel that we will never stop growing, not only in sales or physical facilities, but as human beings, with that particularity that characterizes us of wanting to be better people every day. That is the real reason why Grivan Engineering decided to become certified under a quality standard."
As reported to this publication, Gustavo Adolfo López, representative of Icontec for the southwestern region of Colombia, and who attended grivan during the process, "to be certified in the ISO 9001 standard of 2008, is to focus on customers and continuous improvement; whoever embarks on this process, knows it and is committed to it." In addition, the official added, "this shows that the company is doing things well and that they have as a principle the quality both in the processes and in the results."
During the night the company's customers handed a greeting plaque to their manager and expressed satisfaction with their business relationship.