Argentina. The ice cream industry in the country experiences a recovery of 75% in the domestic market. This is recognized by some executives in the sector of the city of Rosario where 65% of the nation's refrigerators are produced.
The investment in technology, which not only strengthens production lines but also has an impact on improving energy efficiency and equipment materials, tripled production capacity to 1.2 million units per year in recent years.
According to Roberto Lenz, president of the Chamber of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industries, "the continuity of the quota plans of retail stores continues to be one of the keys to sustaining the consumption of white goods, so, for this 2011 we will sell about 950,000 units in the country".
However, for Fernando Galante, general manager of Constant Market Heladeras, "the concerns of the sector are related to the exchange rate, local costs measured in dollars and access to certain critical components. In addition, the tsunami and the subsequent nuclear catastrophe in Japan, added to the demand from Asia, would be causing shortages of inputs such as steel, copper, iron and crude oil derivatives"
Me interesaría importar para Bolivia.
Hola Reynaldo, la noticia es de 2011, así que debes tener en cuenta la actualidad del mercado para analizar cuál es la mejor opción de importación. Saludos.