The company Burdinola has just launched its new concept of the OR 21 System and to make known in the market all the aspects related to this novelty in laboratory furniture, it publishes a catalog in which all the families of the OR 21 System have been included.
One of the main advantages of the renewed Burdinola OR 21 System is its great versatility, capable of providing innovative and global furniture solutions, applicable to any type of laboratory, thanks to the modular concept with which the entire range has been designed.
In the new concept of the OR 21 System, a much more refined design is observed, with a change of color to very light tones that manage to provide great neutrality to the rooms and highlight the feeling of an aseptic and clean environment.
In addition to these features, it should also be noted that, as a whole, it is a range that is distinguished by its functionality. In this sense, burdinola's renovated laboratory furniture makes it easy to reconfigure already installed spaces.
In the almost 200 pages of the technical catalog, the last one that this company has published since 2007, a tour is made of all the elements of this OR 21 System that allow an efficient organization of the enclosures destined to house this type of facilities. Thus, the details of the different references that are included grouped by families are detailed: from gas showcases that are the most identifying product of Burdinola, to suction elements, service systems and their complements, to laboratory tables, storage units and other complementary accessories.
It is, in general, a catalog that provides great information about each of the products both in terms of technical data, measurements, specifications and notes on its operation and the visual material that has been included, either in the form of photographs or with drawings and schemes.
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