Chile. Within the framework of the Alliance for Climate and Ozone Protection, the German Agency for International Cooperation organized a group study trip to learn about the life cycle of refrigerants in the southern country.
In this way, Chile received a delegation made up of representatives from Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras, Grenada and Mexico. The purpose of the visit was to learn in depth about the Chilean experience in the management of the life cycle of refrigerants, in accordance with the guidelines of the Montreal Protocol and its Kigali Amendment, focused on reducing the environmental impact of refrigerant gases.
The Ozone Unit of the Ministry of the Environment, the main agency that coordinated the activity, announced that one of the topics of interest for the delegation is the structure associated with the treatment of refrigerant gases in Chile and the certification programs for people in the sector.
With this purpose, the Chilean Chamber of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration A.G., participated with a talk about the evaluations and certifications of labor competencies that are carried out for workers in the productive sectors of air conditioning and refrigeration, which are carried out by the trade association through its Center for the Evaluation and Certification of Labor Competencies ColdHeat together with the state agency ChileValora. as part of the concrete advances and in order to address the challenges of the national industry in this area.