Panama. Knowledge, design and innovation were the protagonists of a dynamic day, during which LG HVAC LATAM brought together its best consultants in the Panamanian capital.
Thanks to the company's invitation, ACR Latinoamérica carried out the journalistic coverage of the event, which was held to recognize the work of designers from different Latin American countries.
"In the interim of the pandemic, the idea of conglomerating the best consultants in the region was born; not only from Central America and the Caribbean, but from Mexico to Argentina. The projects chosen this year include LG solutions such as Inverter Scroll Chiller, Single Package, Multi V5 VRF System and Single CAC," said Eduardo Hernández, Marketing Manager of LG HVAC LATAM.
Previously, more than 107 projects were evaluated, which is a clear indication of the current high competitiveness in the countries of the region. Finally, 19 consultants were chosen, who were recognized as the most outstanding during a ceremony held at the Hilton Panama hotel. They were:
- Marcos Soares Silveira de Souza, Integrar Climatizacao (Brazil).
- Rodrigo Torres Marques, LGESP Torres Engenharia (Brazil).
- Diogenes Fernando Paulino Mendes, LGESP VM Projetos (Brazil).
- Karolin Wischneski, Inttpartner (Brazil).
- Guilherme Albert, Albert Engenharia (Brazil).
- Jorge Nakamura Jr., Proterm (Peru).
- Diego Alejandro Leguizamo, HVAC Consulting (Colombia).
- Rocio Nathalí Barrera Henao, BT Consultores (Colombia).
- Jorge Luis Rueda Gómez, RGD Aire (Colombia).
- Susana Sanchez Romero, WSP (Mexico).
- Brenda Josefina Quiroga Gamboa, Cinco Soluciones (Mexico).
- Fernando Iván Rabadán, Alora (Mexico).
- Alejandro Colin Miranda, HTS Group (Mexico).
- Alejandro Gazol, Coindisa (Nicaragua).
- Rodolfo Zárate, Concerca (El Salvador).
- Rogelio Martínez, Mabrosce (Honduras).
- René Gabriel González Portales, AER Ingeniería (Chile).
- Leonardo Enrique Aguilera Cantallopts, Comercial AyR (Chile).
- Johnny Antonio Ahumada Collao, AHU Engineering (Chile).
"As a pilot project, we selected 19 designers this year. The idea is to summon 40 for next year, doubling the number in the entire region. We want the LATAM Exclusive Consultant Club not only to be an award, but to become a communication platform to share knowledge, so that if a good idea is executed in Mexico, it can be known and applied in Argentina," concluded Hernández.
Similarly, the Marketing Manager of LG HVAC LATAM highlighted that this exceptional group of professionals will be present at next year's ASHRAE Winter Conference in Orlando, Florida, as guests of the company.