Chile. The 34th floor of the emblematic Titanium Tower, located in Santiago de Chile, was the scene of the successful upgrade of the Multi V Series 1 air conditioning systems, manufactured by LG Electronics, which were replaced by state-of-the-art Multi V 5 equipment.
"A whole treatment was made to the HR boxes (energy recovery boxes), updating their system so that they could be compatible with the existing ones. Thanks to the increased capacity of the new HR boxes, the conditions of the enclosure could be improved, contributing to the air conditioning system working more smoothly. With the retrofit of this project, the condensing unit (external unit) was changed and the work in the office did not stop for a long time. Everything was scheduled to be done in a weekend and the operations of the office staff did not stop," said Lorna Aburto, head of Operations at SENCORP.
The project was developed to prevent deterioration and preserve the performance of the HVAC system, after a considerable time (more than 15 years) of operation and due to exposure to external factors such as extreme weather conditions or the presence of nearby trees and debris, as well as the proximity to the sea.
According to those in charge of executing the work, the sum of these factors is the potential cause of inconveniences such as the constant approach or intervention for the maintenance of the air conditioning system.
"In the same way, when an air conditioning system reaches its useful life, we must consider updating it, since the constant repair affects the cost of operation and the cost of repair, since the system becomes more expensive over time. That is why it is essential to consider upgrading it," explained Luis Faúndez, HVAC Solutions Manager at LG Electronics.
LG VRF System
According to the manufacturer, the most advanced technology available in the region was used in the Titanium building, which is Multi V 5. It is an integrated solution that combines advanced technologies for high-rise buildings and provides maximum energy efficiency while minimizing operating costs and its dual sensing control detects humidity and temperature.
This type of retrofit makes the installation feasible without the need for work on invasive ducts and wiring. This means that the place of operations can continue to operate while the air conditioning system is upgraded. LG Electronics also highlighted that the retrofit in LG VRF systems allows the communication of the brand's equipment from different generations.