International. The European Parliament has approved new rules to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, with the aim of making progress towards meeting global climate goals.
With 457 votes in favour, 92 against and 32 abstentions, MEPs backed an agreement reached to further reduce emissions of fluorinated gases. The text proposes a total phase-out of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) by 2050, through a gradual reduction in the European Union's (EU) consumption share between 2024 and 2049.
The approved regulation also introduces strict requirements prohibiting the placing on the EU market of products containing fluorinated gases. It also includes specific dates for the elimination of the use of fluorinated gases in sectors where it is technologically and economically feasible to switch to sustainable alternatives.
Rapporteur Bas Eickhout said: "Ending F-gases is crucial, not only because they are extremely harmful to the climate, but we are also bringing clarity and investment certainty to the industry. European companies are already at the forefront of developing clean alternatives to fluorinated gases, so this law will be good for the climate and the European economy".
Ozone protection
An agreement on reducing emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) was also adopted by 538 votes in favour, eight against and 13 abstentions. The law introduces requirements to recover and recycle such substances in building materials during renovations (found in particular in insulating foams).
Rapporteur Jessica Polfjärd said: "Preventing emissions of ozone-depleting substances is key to preventing adverse health and environmental effects from a damaged ozone layer".
The agreement also introduces strict exemptions for the use of these substances as raw materials, for example in the pharmaceutical or chemical industry, as process agents, in laboratories and for fire protection.