Spain. During the most recent general assembly of the Spanish Technical Association of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (Atecyr), José Porras Aguilera assumed the presidency for the period from 2023 to 2026, replacing Rafael Vázquez Martí.
When presenting his government plan, the new president said that his main objective is for Atecyr to contribute to updating and increasing the knowledge of HVAC, refrigeration and energy efficiency professionals belonging to the construction sector.
This program will be carried out through 12 lines of action with emphasis on technologies aimed at decarbonization, to respond to the needs of the members of the association. "We will seek that Atecyr is that agora: an open and meeting place for professionals in our sector in the era of decarbonization," he said.
A long history
Porras is an industrial technical engineer, president of the Remica Group and member of Atecyr for more than 3 decades. He has been linked to the governing bodies of the association since 2004, when he assumed the secretariat of the board of directors, until 2007. Subsequently, he has been part of the successive management teams.