Colombia. By selecting the pay-as-you-go model, a superior air conditioning system could be installed, saving approximately 1.2 GWh in energy and 440 tons of CO2e in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions annually.
The need: Q Group in Medellin, Colombia, was constructing a new building intended to house 100 offices. The goal was to deliver a high quality building (LEED certified) for its occupants with the best comfort standards and optimize capital expenditures.
The solution: MGM Innova Group designed an HVAC solution that included a high-efficiency centralized air conditioning system complete with valves to measure the amount of cooling delivered to each user. The investment was made entirely by MGM Innova Group and a monthly payment is billed to each office in a cooling-as-a-service (CaaS) model.
Benefits: Both the customer and end users enjoy a high-quality air conditioning system, while concentrating on their core business and avoiding capital expenditures. The system equates to an annual energy saving of about 1.2 GWh, while GHG emissions are reduced by an estimated 440 tons of CO2e/year. (This is because the HVAC system was redesigned after deciding to proceed with a CaaS model.)
Source: CaaS.