International. The HVAC solutions company, Tecna, presents its new evaporative unit IntrCooll Tecna Oxycom. This unit offers the possibility of direct and indirect evaporative cooling, in addition to the operating options in free-cooling, cold, heat and recovery with its "4 seasons" module.
Tecna presented an example of a unique installation, such as the Church of San Pedro (Ciudad Real), which has an area of 1,500 m2, where 4 Intrcooll Plus units were installed, for cold cooling, achieving an interior temperature between 24º – 26º C.
The uniqueness of this installation lies in the assembly of evaporatives and the need for the installation of ducts to overcome architectural obstacles in a building of this caliber and minimize the aesthetic impact of a historical monument.
In this way, Oxycom units become the great alternative for the air conditioning of buildings with large open spaces, whether commercial, industrial, etc., achieving a healthier, more productive and energy-efficient environment, reducing operating expenses by 80% and obtaining yields of more than 116%, with respect to traditional chillers.