International. Gruppo Maxi Di Srl in Italy chose the company Arneg to develop the complete refrigeration system and equip its new store with refrigerated furniture of this brand.
Maxi Di's goal was to create an environmentally sustainable system, using zero-impact gas, while ensuring the highest efficiency in the store. Once the goal was defined and a bespoke solution was designed for the client, Arneg included Carel in the project, seeking modulating ejector technology to meet these ambitious goals.
The CO2 compressor plant, controlled by the pRack pR300T, has been equipped with three Carel EmJ modulating ejectors, for a total capacity of 185 kW. This solution can achieve energy savings of 25% in summer, when the outside temperature is higher, but also in winter, through the heat recovery system that provides heat inside the building.
Another essential feature of the ejector solution is the continuous modulation which, through dedicated algorithm control, allows the system to continuously adapt to variations in working conditions so typical in cooling systems.
"For years, Arneg has been actively working with Carel, a collaboration based on a mutual exchange of knowledge. Research and technological innovation have allowed us over time to offer increasingly efficient and sustainable solutions with the environment, such as the Famila supermarket in Lonigo," said Enrico Zambotto, Refrigeration Engineering Director of Arneg. "Another evidence of the significant investment in this technology is that we are already adopting ejectors in other facilities, always using natural refrigerants."