International. Bacharach announces the addition of 22 halogen refrigerants to its MGS-400 gas detectors in commercial and industrial gas leak monitoring applications.
Newly added halogen refrigerants include:R1234yf, R1234ze, R134a, R22, R32, R404a, R407a, R407C, R407f, R410a, R422, R422D, R427A, R434A, R448A, R449A, R450A, R452A, R454A, R454C, R507a, R513A. Support for additional gases is under development and will be launched in the coming months.
The MGS-400 series product family uses three different types of sensors, depending on the measurement range, temperature and gas types when hazardous refrigerant leaks are detected. The variety of sensor types within the product line offers significant user benefits, including flexibility with refrigerant leak detection and peace of mind by helping to protect personnel and comply with safety standards such as ASHRAE 15, CSA-B52 and EN 378 within machine rooms, mechanical equipment rooms, refrigeration plants, cold rooms and freezers.
Other user benefits include a mobile app interface for easy commissioning and maintenance without special tools and an additional sensor life of 5 to 7 years with plug and play pre-calibrated sensor modules for quick and easy sensor replacement. The generation of calibration certificates from the mobile app makes calibration documentation easy to create and send via email or store in the cloud. The Modbus RTU interface and analog and relay outputs allow for easy safety alarm and automation control.