International. The Spanish Technical Association of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (Atecyr) of Spain, has available free of charge a series of computer programs to perform calculations for air conditioning and refrigeration projects.
"Calculate with Atecyr", is the name of the program where you can see tables for calculations of thermal loads, energy simulation programs, psychometric tables for relative humidity, solar thermal installations, duct network, predefined models for energy plus, among others.
The computer programs have been developed by the group of professors of the UPV coordinated by Professor D. Jose Manuel Pinazo Ojer of the Thermal Engineering Group of Industrial Processes of the Department of Applied Thermodynamics of the UPV called FREDSOL. This group is formed by Mr. José Manuel Pinazo. Mr. Víctor Soto Francés and Mr. Emilio Sarabia Escrivá.
The UPV owns a set of computer programs related to the air conditioning and refrigeration sector, such as: vpCLIMA, for estimating thermal loads in air conditioning; dpPSICRO, for the calculation of psychrometric transformations; bpFRÍO, for the calculation of cold rooms, refrigeration cycles, calculation of refrigeration pipes and refrigerant properties; vpfSOL, solar thermal energy calculations; dspDUCTO, calculation of networks of conduits and GENERA_3D, definition of the building from CAD for the HULC tool and for EnergyPlus.
All the information can be seen in the following link:
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