Chile. In an unprecedented way and for the first time in Chile, the Chilean Chamber of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (CChRyC) is carrying out together with the University of Santiago (USACH) the Diploma of Engineering in Industrial Refrigeration with Ammonia, which also has the support of the International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR) Chile Chapter and the IIAR International (United States).
In the first class, the students were able to listen to the keynote talk: "Industrial refrigeration in Chile", given by Alberto Mayer, Mechanical Civil Engineer of the USACH and founder of A. Mayer Refrigeración Industrial S.A (amrisa), who said, "the diploma is launched at a very precise moment. Two factors are aligned that make it a necessity for the industry: first we are at a stage in the development of industrial refrigeration in Chile in which the professional activity is consolidated. This means: professionalized, up to date with technological development and internationally connected. This is expressed in a significant number of professionals dedicated exclusively to the subject and the second thing is that natural refrigerants are on a good footing. However, in the specific case of ammonia, it represents a challenge in relation to safety, so trained professionals are needed to handle it."
"Ammonia was never stopped in large cold plants. Today development, in addition to seeking to be more efficient, has its focus on security. Thus, already in December 2016, on a voluntary basis, the CChRyC with the support of more than 45 companies in the field, developed the "Manual of Good Practices in Refrigeration with Ammonia" Also, in the development of the future NH3 Regulation of the Ministry of Health, the CChRyC and IIAR Chile Chapter delivered their knowledge, and when both documents enter into force, qualified professionals in the field will be needed," said Peter Yufer, president of the Chilean Chamber of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
Refrigeration globally has changed a lot in the last 5 years. Current and future restrictions on the use of synthetic refrigerants (safe, efficient, but harmful to the environment) have allowed a re-evolution of natural refrigerants. Within this evolution, CO2, in supermarket refrigeration, Propane, in self-contained furniture, and Ammonia, in industrial refrigeration, are playing a fundamental role. The new technologies under development for these "old acquaintances" natural refrigerants will allow us to cooling systems that are safer, more efficient and less dependent on human operation.
"Chile is a country with great potential for food exports. Our production of salmon and fresh fruits are widely recognized abroad. On the other hand, the increase in per capita income is directly related to the consumption of frozen and fresh unprocessed foods (without preservatives). In this context it is necessary to have professionals prepared for this new scenario, who have a specific domain of ammonia as a refrigerant, and who can guide our industrial refrigeration industry to continue being a reference within Latin America, "said Juan Arias of the Chilean chapter of IIAR.
For his part, Roberto Santander, professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the USACH, stressed that this diploma "is of excellence to have among its students people who are working in the area of the refrigeration industry with ammonia and who have forged their knowledge through experience during their professional development. We want to professionalize and train from a common base the knowledge of this industry that, although it is small in the country, today needs to meet the needs of security and train professionals in the area according to international standards. "
Source: Chilean Chamber of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.