Argentina. Guillermo Massucco, who at the last meeting of the Board of Directors was confirmed as the new president of ASHRAE Argentina Chapter, gave to agree with the expectations he has under the new position that he has already begun to play.
"It is a great honor for me to hold the position assigned alongside all of you during this period. Personally, it will be a great pleasure to work alongside ASHRAE members to continue to grow on all the pillars that the association possesses. Contributing, as always, to the passionate growth that each member selflessly provides with effort and great satisfaction," he said.
Guillermo highlighted the activities he has planned during the period of his management: "The most important thing to highlight is the Energy Audits Course that some ASHRAE members are currently teaching at the National Technological University (UTN), Medrano headquarters. It began on September 5 with more than thirty students enrolled. To the amazement and satisfaction of seeing how these topics arouse the interest of professionals dedicated to HVAC / R, we quickly opened a second course, which with the same content began to be taught at the same university a short time later. "
Guillermo also expressed his interest in promoting activities in the country: "We plan to carry out activities in the interior of the country next year. We will start with the city of Mendoza and then cordoba will continue. We will also continue to host the monthly technical talks and disseminate ASHRAE at all events."
Finally, Guillermo thanked "the companies that sponsor us and collaborate with the Argentine Chapter, providing their spaces for seminars and participating in the events we organize."
Successes to Guillermo in this new professional challenge!