Brazil. In the case of the Olímpia Park Resort, in the city of Olímpia, São Paulo, the energy it generates ensures an enterprise focused on energy efficiency and the economy. It is estimated that, through a collecting area of 544 m2, a reduction in energy consumption of about 64% per year is achieved.
The Olímpia Park Resort began its works in 2013. The first stage was recently delivered and the second is due to be completed in 2019. The venture, which owns a total of 912 apartments, needed a powerful solution when it came to energy efficiency. Thinking about that, Rio Verde, the responsible construction company, came into contact with Solis, a company specialized in application engineering and technical assistance in the field of solar heating.
In August 2017, Solis carried out the installation project of the collector plates and equipment, being ten command panels, all equipped with controllers from Full Gauge Controls, a Brazilian manufacturer of instruments for the heating, cooling and air conditioning sectors. "This project is the largest that our company has carried out, in terms of footage", highlights the responsible designer, Sally Freddi. The system has a total capacity of 54 thousand liters of water and is responsible for heating the guest bathrooms. In addition to the reduction in energy consumption, it is also important to highlight the water economy: "By means of a recirculation ring, with Full Gauge controllers that guarantee that the water inside the pipe is always hot, it is also possible to guarantee a reduction in consumption, since it is not necessary to turn on the shower and wait until it warms up," says Sally.
The alliance between Solis and Full Gauge Controls has existed since 2016, when the company began to use the brand's products in all its works. In installations such as those made at the Olímpia Park Resort, the Microsol II E plus (photo) and RT-607E plus controllers are used for the operation of hydraulic pumps and electrical resistors.
The Microsol II E plus acts on the command of the water circulation pump, preventing overheating and freezing in the pipes. Already the RT-607E plus is a temperature controller with time scheduler that allows the configuration of eight daily events. The two instruments can be connected to Sitrad, remote monitoring software developed by Full Gauge Controls, which allows remote management of facilities, only using a device (tablet, cell phone or computer) connected to the Internet.