International. The manufacturer of HVAC solutions, Evapco, announced that it has begun an in-depth study to investigate the formation and control of white oxide. This study, which began more than three years ago, led to the development of industry-leading research teams specifically designed to assess the formation of white oxide on evaporative heat transfer surfaces.
A small-scale closed-loop cooler was designed and built to replicate the dynamic conditions associated with evaporative cooling equipment that was put into operation with immediate heat load.
In addition to the patented research, controlled testing was conducted using commercially available products marketed as white oxide inhibitors or passivation aids for evaporative cooling systems containing galvanized building materials.
Controlled tests included routine wet chemistry, visual inspections, and photography to determine how quickly the area was impacted. Further research was conducted to focus on innovative pretreatment technologies for galvanized coils used in closed-loop coolers and evaporative condensers. This research effort continued with the goal of providing factory-applied pretreatment capable of minimizing the formation of white oxide in evaporative cooling equipment commissioned with immediate heat load in a wide variety of makeup water qualities and water treatment formulations.