United States. A group of U.S. industrialized people with great influence in the sector has asked the U.S. government to respect the Montreal Protocol and continue with the elimination of HFCs.
Industry and administration work closely in the U.S. Entrepreneurs strongly support the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, as well as the latest adaptation of Kigali.
In that sense, Kevin Fay, executive director of the Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy, pointed out in a workshop held last July in Bangkok, within the framework of the Open-ended Working Group of the Montreal Protocol, that "it is essential to continue with the successful process initiated 30 years ago to protect the ozone layer and guarantee access to consumers around the world to technologies that contribute to health, safety and energy efficiency."
The Alliance, created in 1980, brings together companies that account for more than 95% of U.S. HFC production, i.e., major refrigerant manufacturers and HVAC companies.