Peru. On October 27 and 28, the HVAC/R industry will meet in Lima for the twelfth version of ExpoFrío Peru 2017, an event that this year will be held at the C.C. María Angola Miraflores.
The organization said that for this year the event will convene the most important companies in the cold sector to be placed in this commercial showcase. Among the activities to be developed will be the 12th International Congress of Refrigeration, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, which will present topics on the most advanced trends and developments in the HVAC / R industry, with exhibitors of recognized international trajectory.
In a complementary way to the event, a program of refresher courses and commercial talks will be developed, complemented with a touch of animation and festivity, in the most appropriate atmosphere of the capital and with the attractions that Peru offers to foreign visitors, allowing to bring together the leading companies and brands in the market, to the most recognized specialists in the area and to a group of professionals and technicians who, according to the organizers, will exceed 3 thousand visitors.
The event will feature the participation of HVAC/R engineers and maintenance technicians from shopping centers, hotels, retail, data hospitals, industries. Entrepreneurs in construction, commerce, hospitality, agro-export, looking for solutions and equipment. Entrepreneurs and executives of companies providing equipment and services in HVAC / R. Technicians and designers, installers and repairers of equipment.
For more information you can enter or contact Nora Santillan and / or Guadalupe Cuba at the email [email protected] /[email protected]