International. Ingersoll Rand has been named in the 2016 edition of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the sixth consecutive year.
"We are honored to be named again in the Dow Jones Global and North American Sustainability Index. This recognition validates our strategy and commitment, positioning us as a benchmark with companies in the same industry," said Gary Michel, Vice President and President of Residential Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning and Parts. "I am very proud of the dedication, discipline and innovation of our team, which allows us to improve more and more. In addition, we are very well positioned and have the experience to be able to help our customers in their improvement of economic productivity, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas mitigation."
The Dow Jones Sustainability Index began in 1999, as the world's first sustainability ranking. The indices are defined by RobecoSAM and S&P Dow Jones Indices. The indices serve as a reference for investors who integrate sustainability considerations into their portfolios and provide an effective engagement platform for companies looking to adopt sustainability best practices.
Ingersoll Rand Climate Commitment:
Ingersoll Rand has a deep commitment to cutting the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) refrigerant footprint of its products and operations by 2030. The company's Climate Commitment promises:
• By 2020, reduce the greenhouse gas footprint of refrigerants by 50% and minimize the impact on global warming by incorporating GWP alternatives through its portfolio of products and solutions by 2030.
• Invest in the next five years, $500 million dollars in the research and development of new products that minimize greenhouse gas emissions in the long term.
• Reduce 35% in 2020, the company's operations, which generate greenhouse gas emissions.
This commitment, today, has helped decrease the emission of approximately two million metric tons of CO2 globally, which is equivalent to avoiding annual CO2 emissions of energy used in more than 270,000 homes or burning more than 2.1 trillion pounds of coal.
In support of this commitment, Ingersoll Rand launched EcoWise™, a portfolio of products designed to reduce environmental impact with the next generation of refrigerants that do not affect global warming and operate with high quality standards.
By 2030, the company expects to reduce its carbon footprint by up to 50 million metric tons.