Argentina. The South American nation will receive an injection of investments of around US $ 5,000 million and will generate about 2GW of additional energy to the electricity sector with the installation of solar energy systems.
This was commented by Adrián Kolonski, representative of a company specialized in energy sustainability solutions called Intermepro. For his part, the president of the Argentine Chamber of Renewable Energies (Cader), Marcelo Álvarez, attached particular importance to the current parliamentary debate around the "distributed generation" bill, which "will benefit industries and household consumers, since they will be able to access technology that allows injecting more electricity into the system at times of greater demand."
Álvarez also said that - if this initiative is approved - "we will have favorable economic conditions for the use of this type of technology, for the creation of 60,000 jobs in the country and to achieve improvements in the industrial value chain."
The context of the initiatives in the field of solar energy is determined -in part- by Law 27,191, which was sanctioned in 2015 and which pointed to the National Development Regime for the Use of Renewable Sources.
Appropriately, the National Government declared "of national interest the generation of electrical energy from the use of renewable energy sources for the provision of public service as well as research for the technological development and manufacture of equipment for that purpose."
In that norm it was established that it was necessary to generate, by 2018, "renewable energy sources until reaching 8% of national electricity consumption and 20% by 2025".
Source: América Economía – Télam.