Colombia . In the 2016 Cemex Works Awards, the jury awarded the Sustainable Building Prize to the Kubik Confort 145 project, located in the Cedritos neighborhood in the north of Bogotá. This residential housing project of KubikLab (Founding Member of the CCCS) of 11,000 square meters for 84 families offers sustainable construction solutions, which, for now, are not common in this segment.
The project estimates savings of 36% in energy and 50% in water compared to a building of the same characteristics without sustainability initiatives.
The Kubik 145 project is designed with apartments of areas between 47 and 97 m2 for a total of 84 housing units distributed over 18 floors and an expected occupation of 268 people, the building is oriented towards the Country Club of Bogotá. It has two parking basements, a first floor of parking and common areas, three walkable terraces on the 10th, 12th and 20th floors. The management of rainwater in the project is carried out through the collection on the roofs, this resource is destined for the demand for water in sanitary use.
The project highlights the treatment of water from sinks and showers, which after treatment are reused in toilets and irrigation work. 76% of the apartments are corner corners, achieving as a main feature in the design the incorporation of natural lighting contributing to the reduction of energy consumption. Materials were specified with wood colors and textures of natural tones that generate pleasant spaces for the occupants
The savings in drinking water consumption are estimated to reach 7500 m3/year and represent a saving of about $48 million pesos in the same period. From the point of view of energy, the project involved the design and installation of advanced LED luminaire lighting systems in all apartments and common areas. As a reference in a housing project, lighting corresponds to around 40% of energy consumption.
With information from the Colombian Council of Sustainable Construction.