Colombia. The Colombian Council for Sustainable Construction (CCCS) confirmed its agenda of upcoming training courses to be held in Bogotá.
Materials and sustainability, LEED GA Vocational Training and ASHRAE 90.1, 62.1 and 55, are the topics that will begin to be presented from this June 8 until the end of July.
From June 8 to 20, the course Materials and sustainability will be presented, where the main concepts of the production of sustainable materials, trends in national public policies and business management models that facilitate migration to best practices will be presented.
From July 21 to 24, the LEED GA Vocational Training course, in which the principles and practices of design, construction and sustainable operation of buildings associated with the LEED certification system will be announced®. Preparation for the USGBC LEED GA accreditation exam.
The following courses will be presented from July 18: ASHRAE 90.1 and sustainability, and ASHRAE 62.1 and 55. The first will measure the scope of the ASHRAE 90.1 standard of the year 2010, and its role in generating highly efficient projects in compliance with national regulations in sustainable construction. The second is the scope of ASHRAE 55 and 62.1 standards, and their role in generating highly efficient projects in compliance with national regulations in sustainable construction.
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