Europe. The European Statistics Office (Eurostat) assesses that in 2014 carbon dioxide emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels were reduced by 5% in the European Union compared to the previous year.
Several EU energy efficiency initiatives aim to reduce emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. Eurostat indicated that CO2 emissions decreased in 2014 in almost all EU Member States, except Bulgaria (+7.1%), Cyprus (+3.5%), Lithuania (+2.2%), Finland (+0.7%) and Sweden (+0.2%). The lowest emission marks are found in Slovakia (-14.1%) and Denmark (-10.7%) followed by Slovenia (-9.01%), Romania (-8.7%) and France (-8.2%).
The Eurostat statement says that it should be noted that imports and exports of energy products have an impact on CO2 emissions in the country where fossil fuels are burned: for example, if coal is imported, this leads to an increase in emissions, while if electricity is imported, it has no direct effect on the emissions of the importing country, since these were reported in the exporting country in which it is produced.