International. The Güntner Group made its new image official for websites with which they seek to form a standard presentation at a global level. With a very clear structure, the new websites offer even easier navigation and represent the different technologies available thanks to the renewed format and content.
With the new design, the company now seeks to put its products as the focus of attention, thanks to the new organization and design. The new nomenclature and structure of the product groups is clearly ordered. Visitors to the website will be able to find the documents available for each product such as brochures, technical data sheets and manuals through the central product site.
Another new feature is in the "Complementary Products" section: "On the product pages on the right side you can find a related product from one of our sister companies. In this way, the customer not only finds the unit he is looking for but also an additional product, following our principle of "everything from the same manufacturer" (A central point for all heat exchange technologies)," explains the official statement.
As for the marketing issue, the company sought that the new concept of marketing names and the difference in colors give the website a clearer structure. One of the main aspects of this change is the classification of product families in the Compact, Vario, Application lines.