International. ASHRAE confirmed that the new publication "Advanced Design Guide for Grocery Stores" is now available, free of charge, which focuses on grocery stores from 2,300 (25,000) to 6000 (65,000) square meters (feet) with gondolas (showcases) and entrances with refrigeration at medium and low temperature.
The Guide is the fifth in the series that gives recommendations to achieve 50% energy savings over the minimum requirements established in the ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA standard 90.1-2004,Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low Rise Residential. In the case of this Guide, all recommendations also comply with the 90.1-2013 standard .
Specific energy-saving recommendations have been summarized in a table for each climate zone and allow contractors, consulting engineers, architects and designers to easily achieve advanced levels of energy savings without detailed energy models or analyses.
Additionally, this Guide presents the principles of integrated design and how they can be used to implement energy efficiency strategies. A chapter has been included dealing with the design philosophies of grocery stores. This chapter deals with the interaction between cooling and other building systems.
The information in the Guide can be combined with that of the Advanced Energy Design Guide for Medium and Large Large Format Buildings and used for larger stores that have both groceries and merchandise in general.
Refrigeration systems consume about half the energy consumed by a typical grocery store, and they interact with other building systems in many ways. An example is the thermal load created by refrigerated display cases without doors. Humidity control is another important issue. These interactions impact equipment performance and the freshness of perishable foods.
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