Argentina. Expo Cold-Heat, the International Exhibition of Air Conditioning, Heating, Ventilation, Refrigeration and Domestic Hot Water, will take place on September 3, 4 and 5, in Buenos Aires.
"We are very excited about the fair, we have great support from Chambers, related institutions and leading brands," said Fabián Armagnague, director of Arma Productora, in charge of Expo Caliente-Calor Argentina 2014. "The sector considers us as the best way to unite all the actors in activity and offer a professional event of international projection, where companies can publicize their products and offer training about their new technologies," he added.
Organized by the Argentine Chamber of Heating, Air Conditioning and Ventilation; the Argentine Association of Cold and Production Weapon, Expo Cold-Heat 2014 will be developed in an area of 5,500 m2 and will have more than 70 exhibitors from the most representative companies in the market.
In turn, during the three days of exhibition there will be talks and conferences by professionals in the sector, both from Argentina and abroad, on new energies, sustainability, energy efficiency, alternative energies and reduction of environmental impact.
"Expo Cold-Heat is a growing trend in the region, we have made very successful versions in Chile and Uruguay. In turn, we launched the event in Asunción del Paraguay and reached an agreement to hold the first edition in Lima, Peru," explained Armagnague.